About Me

I'm tall and sometimes blonde and outrageous. My steps are deliberate and everything I do is working towards an end goal. Living without a dream is pointless to me: and my dreams are endless. I've got a thousand back up plans and have no qualms about pursuing any of them.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Pennies and Popcorn

I had my second full shift at work. By full, I mean six hours, but I do expect to be working at least 8 hour shifts once the season gets going. The other manager was there, and he's just as fun as the first. I'm really enjoying the people I work with, which is a huge change from Florida. It took me awhile to find decent people at Disney to be friends with. My only problem now is that I can't find any of them on Facebook, so we haven't connected outside of work.
Went in, covered two areas, because one girl was MIA. Why do people keep not showing up on my shifts? The park opened at 6, so I started at 5 to get things sparkling beforehand. The rush of people to Behemoth at 6:01 was hilarious to watch and I just followed along behind the crowd sweeping up stray litter. The shift wasn't bad at all, until about 9ish, when these two small children were left apparently unattended in the plaza, with their bag of popcorn.

I extremely dislike popcorn.

And small children with bags of popcorn.

Combine these elements with a slight breeze, and I spent the last hour and a half of my shift following these two kids around sweeping up after them. It gave me something legitimate to clean, but popcorn is very aggravating and hard to sweep up.

Earlier in the shift, there had been a very creepy old man, bushy gray hair, raggedy clothes, sitting on a ledge in my area. Had he not been in Wonderland, I would have said he was homeless on the streets of Toronto. Instead, he just sat and glared at people for two hours, tried to stand on top of a garbage can once, with his bottle of *water*. People gave him a wide berth, that's for sure. Someone must have finally called security, because they came and sat with this man for a good hour and a half before he shoved off in the direction of the exit. Rather amusing, but I'm glad I'm not security.

I also must have picked up like a hundred pennies. Why do people drop pennies? I kept picking them up and giving them to the popcorn guy, because I'm not allowed to keep them. He wasn't amused, nor did he really seem to care. It's like an extra dollar in his till, he should care!